In Car Air Purifier - Advanced Active Air Purification

Our In Car Air Purifier tackles air pollution defined as release of harmful pollutants into the air or atmosphere that are detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole.

The world’s single biggest environmental health risk is air pollution that has killed to around 7 million deaths in 2012 according to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report.

The New Study further reveals a stronger link between, outdoor and outdoor air pollution exposure cause the cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes and ischemic heart disease, as well as between air pollution and cancer.

Poor quality air can also contribute to airborne diseases and help the spread of infections. Our in car air purifer can help clean the air you breathe. 

Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health:

Several studies have discovered that due to poor quality of air or inhaling in the polluted air one can get exposed to a variety of health issues. Air Pollution has negative effect on health that includes:

  • Irritation of the eyes
  • Sore Throat
  • Tightness in chest and shortness of breath or Difficulty in Breathing
  • Uneven heartbeat
  • Lung diseases and Cancer
  • Asthma cases
  • Coughing
  • Chronic Diseases

In Car Air Purifier and Air Pollution

In short Air Pollution is the route cause of respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, is well known.

Recent statistics on the impact of household indoor pollutants (HAP) is alarming because indoor and outdoor pollution both affect health.

Long term effects of air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.

The WHO fact-sheet on household indoor pollutants and health states that 3.8 million premature deaths annually occurred including ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) stroke, and lung cancer are endorsed to exposure to household air pollution.

Chemicals and gases from common household products can accumulate in your lungs because the airborne particles are so small that’s why they penetrate the blood-brain barrier, impacting your brain and cognitive functions.

Car Air Purifier

Causes of air pollution and why you need an in car air purifier

Air pollution is caused by the release of harmful or toxic substances in the atmosphere that is primarily produced by human activities, but sometimes it can result from natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, dust storms, also degrading and depleting the air quality.

  • Burning of fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide gases and chemicals into the air.
  • Carbon dioxide and methane is the form of air pollution raises the earth’s temperature.
  • Emissions from factories and industries releasing huge amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, chemicals and organic compounds into the air.
  • Waste Production leads to generation of methane in landfills.
  • Agricultural activities like due to excessive use of pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers that emit harmful chemicals and vaporized into the environment.

Conclusion: How to overcome the Air Pollution?

Use of air purifiers and high-quality filters are one of the suggested strategies to improve indoor air quality and protect humanity from the harmful effect of toxic pollutants.

If you want to keep your indoor space clean and free from polluted air, then make sure that you purchase an air purifier today.

The air purifier aids in removing the impurities and contaminants from the air and provide you with the fresh pure, and healthy air that is free from pollutants and harmful gasses.

One of the Worlds most advanced Air Purifiers

  • Kills 99% of most germs, bacteria and viruses on surfaces and in the air
  • PM2.5 and PM10 removal rate of 99%
  • Effectively kills harmful microorganisms.
  • Reduces risk of spreading airborne illness
  • Reduces allergens, dust, dander and smoke
  • Reduction of smoke, VOC’s, allergens, dust, and particulates such as pet dander
  • Cleansing agents are capable of decomposing organic pollutants and compounds like formaldehyde and any undesirable odor molecules without a HEPA filter.
  • Reduces odours from cooking, pets and more
  • Used in government buildings, hotels, hospitals, schools and homes worldwide.
  • The AirTower Decompose Formaldehyde, Benzene, TVOC and other harmful substances, into non toxic CO2 and H2O
  • Robust Air Purifier design